Gemstone Calculator

Understanding Gemstones

According to Vedic astrology, gemstones are believed to channel the energy of the planets they are associated with, helping individuals to balance their energies and enhance positive traits. Each gemstone is tied to a specific planet and can be selected based on a person's birth date and astrological chart. These gemstones are thought to influence various aspects of life, including health, wealth, and personal growth.

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How does Our Gemstone Calculator Suggest Lucky Stones for You?

Our Astrology Gemstone Calculator follows the rules of Vedic numerology. The sum of your date of birth is reduced to a one-digit number, which determines your lucky number in life. Each single-digit number is associated with a planet, and our Birthstone Calculator suggests the gemstone of that planet. Here is a quick overview:

Lucky Number Associated Planet Recommended Gemstone
1 Sun Ruby
2 Moon Pearl
3 Jupiter Yellow Sapphire
4 Rahu Hessonite
5 Mercury Emerald
6 Venus Diamond
7 Ketu Cats Eye
8 Saturn Blue Sapphire
9 Mars Red Coral

Stay Away From Fake Gemstones!!

Offline and Online Market is filled with scam and fraud who are selling fake gemstones at very cheap prices.

Buy Originals

Can We Wear Gemstones of Debilitated Planets?

Yes, you can wear gemstones of any planet unless it is afflicted by any malefic planet or unless it is placed in its enemy sign. The effectiveness of such gemstones can be enhanced by consulting with a knowledgeable Astrological Gemstone Finder who can analyze your birth chart and planetary positions.

Gemstone for Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Sign Alternative Gemstone
Aries Carnelian
Taurus Rose Quartz
Gemini Aquamarine
Cancer Moonstone
Leo Garnet
Virgo Peridot
Libra Opal
Scorpio Onyx
Sagittarius Citrine
Capricorn Amethyst
Aquarius Hematite
Pisces Bloodstone

Does Alternative gemstones of 9 planets really work?

Well there is no such thing as main gemstones of any planet. Usually we think that most popular gemstones are the most powerfull or working thing but they are well known between astrologers because of there easy availability and accessibility in market. Every natural gemstone works. Before puting on any rock piece, First try to know which planets energy does it carry.

What are the Top 4 Ancient Vedik Astrology Book Names?

1. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra.
2. Bhrigu Sanhita.
3. Lal Kitab.
4. Fal Deepika.

What is the Strongest Raj Yog or Planetary Combination According to Ancient Vedic Astrology?

1st House Lord Placed in 1st House itself with Good degree and no malefic affliction.

How to identify whether rahu and ketu are placed good or bad in kundli?

First of all, Both can's Show good effect for same person no matter How they are placed in kundli for anyone in this world. If rahu is showing good effect then ketu will definitely make you cry😂 and if ketu is showing good effect then rahu will make trouble in your life. Now, to identify which one of them is going to Show good effect for you, You have to check placement of budh and shukra. If budh is placed before the shukra in your kundli from the lagna, then rahu is good and if budh is placed after the shukra then ketu will Show good effects. Many astrologers try to analyze this thing through dispositors planets, planets sitting with rahu and ketu and planets Looking at rahu and ketu.

Which Gemstone is Best for Health?

To improve over all health, we generally try to make 1st house more powerfull by wearing gemstone of its lord planet. Sun and Mars are natural Kaarak grah of first house therefore Wearing Ruby and Red Coral can improve your physical health. Dont forget to check condition of sun and mars in your kundli before wearing their gemstone. Wearing Pearl can improve your mental health. If any malefic planet is afflicting first house or its lord or any other planet in your kundali, which usually causes you diseases then do donation of material related to that malefic planet.

Can We Wear Gemstones of Planets Sitting in the 6th, 8th, and 12th Houses?

Yes, you can wear gemstones of planets placed in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, but only if you need to enhance the energies of these planets for specific purposes or events. Wearing such gemstones should be done with careful consideration and professional advice, as their effects can be complex.

What are the disadvantages of wearing gemstone of exalted planets?

Most of the time, Exalted Planets Gives Only Good Result but when they are enemy of your ascendant lord or if they are lord of 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th house or if they have conjuction with malefic planets or if they are aspected by drishti of any malefic planet then they can cause you harm. Hence if you wear gemstone of exalted planets in above mentioned conditions then disadvantages like Health Problems, Monetary loss and relationship problems can happen.

Should we wear gemstone of 2nd house lord to increase wealth in our life?

Absolutely not. Biggest mistake, most of the beginner astrology scholars do is that they suggest their clients to wear gemstone of 2nd house lord. Putting on birthstone of 2nd house can Kill you. According to Vedic Astrology, 2nd and 7th houses are the Maarak Bhav of the kundli, which means that planets or characteristics related to that house will be one of the Major reason for your death. Therefore never ever wear or suggest anyone to wear stone of 2nd or 7th house in greed of wealth or Business expansion. If your really want to know about gemstone you should wear then use our Astrology Gemstone Recommendation Tool.

Can An Aries Ascendant Or A Scorpio Ascendant Native Wear The Red Coral, Gemstone Of Mars?

Yes, Native With Both Ascendant, Scorpio And Aries, Can Wear Red Coral Gemstone. It Is The Jeevan Ratna For Them. I Understand Why You Asked This Question. For Aries Ascendant, Mars Is Also The Lord Of 8th House And For Scorpio Ascendant, Mars Is Also The Lord Of 6th House, Therefore You Were In Doubt. Let Me Clear You That When The Lord Of 6th, 8th Or 12th Is Also The Lagn Lord Then It Shows No Malefic Effect Of Those Three Houses And Hence You Can Wear Gemstone Of That Planet Without Any Worry.

How to buy gemstones online?

Go to "" website, use the tool to identify your Lucky Gemstone Based on Birthdate and click on the "Shop Now" button. It will take you to a genuine and trustworthy gemstone selling website where you can buy your desired gemstone at affordable price.

Gemstones Image


  • Consult a professional astrologer before wearing gemstones of debilitated planets.
  • Consider the planetary periods and aspects in your birth chart.
  • Ensure the gemstone is of good quality and properly energized.

What’s the Best Gemstone for Wealth and Prosperity?

Ascendant Sign of Your Lagn Kundli Recommended Gemstone
Aries Yellow Sapphire
Taurus Blue Sapphire
Gemini blue Sapphire
Cancer yellow sapphire
Leo Red Coral
Virgo Diamond
Libra Emerald
Scorpio Pearl
Sagittarius Ruby
Capricorn Emerald
Aquarius Diamond
Pisces Red Coral

Complete Guide to Zodiac Gemstones for 2024

When we start our journey of understanding Vedic Astrology, we encounter a unique and beautifull way of boosting the energies of planets on our life at our desire by wearing gemstones. In this Article, we will learn everything about it.

Gemstones are Different colourfull Rocks which are formed in Earth crust through long natural phenomena. Each type of those colourfull stones have Different energy, vibration and frequency. Some of them emit same energy as of the celestial bodies of our solar system.

In Our Vedic Astrology, we study how each celestial body of our solar system affects human body and their life. So, when we need to boost energy of any particular celestial body like sun on our life (for increasing characteristics and event related to it according to Vedic Astrology), we put on its gemstone - Ruby. Astrology Gemstone Benefits for Each Zodiac Sign

Now lets understand which gemstone a person should wear according to their kundli or which planet's energy should we boost without getting any bad effects.

Out of 9 major celestial bodies of solar system that affects our whole life, some of them majorly do good for us and some of do bad for us. We should be carefull and only wear gemstone for those planets which do good for us. we should also not wear more than three gemstone at once.

Try not to wear any gemstone, if needed wear one. If situation is really really hard put on two and if you are on brink of suicidal thoughts then put on three, but never wear more than that or it will cause disturbance to your body.

To know what gemstone to wear according to Vedic Astrology and your kundli or According to your current grah dasha and Life situation. Consult me through whatsapp. Otherwise try to follow below written information.

Open Your Kundli. Now identify the Planets which are lord of 1st, 5th and 9th House. Now identify the Planets which are sitting in their on sign. Now find out planets which are exalted. Important Condition Which You Must Follow - You can wear gemstone of any of these planet until and unless they are not the enemy of your lagn lord or not afflicted by Drishti of any other malefic planet. Also make sure that these planets are not in between Paap Kartari Yog.


You Can also wear gemstone of the planets which are lords of other houses that are not mentioned above but only when there dasha is going on or when you need their energy for something specifically for short term. Don't forget to cross check the conditions mentioned in above paragraph before putting on any gemstone.

Check Gem compatibility with zodiac signs. If you are unable to contact me for Gemstone recommendations and understand the information written in this webpage then use our Birthstone Calculator and then Buy your lucky gemstone online.


How to use our online Gemstone Calculator tool?

What is a Gemstone Calculator?

A tool to find your lucky stone.

How does gemstone consultation work?

Guidance on choosing stones.

Can gemstones affect my Kundli?

Yes, positively.

Which stone is best for me?

Depends on your birth chart.

How accurate is Vedic astrology?

Highly accurate.

Can I wear gemstones without consultation?

Consult first.

What is Kundli?

Astrological birth chart.

What is Vedic astrology?

Ancient Indian astrology.

What is a Navaratna?

A combination of nine gems.

Which stone represents the Sun?


Which stone represents the Moon?


What is an ascendant in astrology?

Rising sign at birth.

Which gemstone is for wealth?

Yellow Sapphire.

Which stone represents Venus?


What does a gemstone do?

Enhances planetary energies.

What is the gemstone for Saturn?

Blue Sapphire.

What stone is recommended for Mercury?


What is Rahu’s gemstone?


Which stone is for Ketu?

Cat’s Eye.

Can gemstones cure health issues?

They can support healing.

Is Vedic astrology the oldest form?

Yes, one of the oldest.

Is gemstone wearing scientifically proven?

Effects are debated.

Can gemstones be worn daily?

Yes, with proper care.

What is the purpose of gemstones?

Balance planetary influences.


Hemant Tiwari

Hemant Tiwari, famously known as an advanced astro scholar, is a distinguished figure in the field of Vedic astrology and Best Astrology Gemstone Consultant in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. With a deep understanding of ancient astrological principles and modern analytical techniques, Hemant has empowered millions of individuals worldwide to unlock their potential and achieve holistic well-being. Check Zodiac Gemstone Chart created by him.

As a certified astrologer and educator, Hemant specializes in teaching advanced Vedic astrology in Hindi, reaching a diverse audience across the globe. His teachings are recognized for their depth, accuracy, and clarity, making him a trusted advisor in the astrological community.

Hemant's contributions extend beyond education; he is also the creator of this innovative Gemstone Calculator, a unique tool designed to help individuals discover their lucky gemstones based on their birth dates and planetary positions. His expertise is further showcased through his YouTube channel and his personal website, where he shares invaluable astrological insights and guidance.

Our Top Rating and Reviews

An excellent and accurate tool for gemstone recommendations. Very user-friendly and insightful.


Impressive accuracy in gemstone suggestions based on astrology. Highly recommended!


A very useful calculator for anyone interested in gemstones and astrology. Great design and easy to use.
